PRP Hair Restoration Pre-Care Instructions:
The week before having the treatment (for the best results):
AVOID the use of NSAIDS (ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, Naproxen, Aspirin, etc.) 5-7 days before procedure. Tylenol may be taken for pain relief right up to and including the day of the procedure, do not exceed 4000 mg in a 24-hour period.
AVOID the following nutritional supplements for 3-7 days before procedure- Ginko Biloba, Garlic, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Flax Oil, Curcumin, and other anti-inflammatory nutrients.
AVOID the Systemic use of corticosteroids for 1-2 weeks before the procedure.
AVOID alcohol and cigarettes for 3-7 days before the procedure.
HYDRATE very well the day before and the day of the procedure for ease of blood draw.
The day of the procedure:
Prior to procedure all paperwork must be completed.
Blood is drawn and PRP is processed.
Topical numbing cream may be applied to injection site.
PRP is injected into the treatment area predesigned during consultation.
Do not wash the treated area for 4 hours after completion of procedure.
Schedule a 4 week follow up appointment.
PRP Hair Restoration Post-Care Instructions:
Soreness of the scalp is common post injection.
After returning home you take a hot shower.
Keep treatment site clean and avoid any topical hair products or hair color for 48 hours.
AVOID vigorous exercise, sun, or heat exposure for 2 days post treatment.
AVOID the use of NSAIDS (Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, Naproxen, Aspirin, etc.) 5-7 days after procedure. Tylenol may be taken for pain relief, do not exceed 4000 mg in a 24-hour period.
AVOID the following nutritional supplements for 3-7 days after the procedure– Ginko Biloba, Garlic, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Flax Oil, Curcumin and other anti-inflammatory nutrients.
AVOID the systemic use of corticosteroids for 1-2 weeks after the procedure.
AVOID alcohol and cigarettes for 3-7 days after the procedure.
EAT a healthy diet and HYDRATE very well with at least 64 ounces of clean fresh water.
AVOID touching, pressing, and manipulating the injection site for at least 8 hours after the injection.
Initial injections: schedule every 4 weeks for 3-4 treatments.
Maintenance Injections: schedule in 6-9-month intervals.